Expulsion N°4669
CALAIS, le 22 juillet 2022
Calais: expulsion de personnes exilées, 6 tentes et un matela volés par les CRS

Expulsion #4669 du 22 juillet 2022
  • The 2 CRS who had been escorting HRO arrived and said "Madame, get off" (the wall). Entrave à l'observation
  • 1 CRS goes around the HRO car and looks at the insurance and technical control stickers + follow HRO members Irrespect, insultes et menaces
  • As a member of the HRO team asks questions about the reasons for the perimeter, a CRS answers each question (at least 10 times) "it's this way". HRO can no longer see the operation at all.
  • Care4Calais reports being intimidated by the police at Ol during a food distribution, they were told that only La Vie Active was allowed to distribute food


Irrespect, insultes et menaces 
Irrespect, insultes et menaces
1 033
faits recensés sur le site depuis mars 2019.

Crise de l'accueil

Évictions et violences contre les personnes exilées en Juillet 2022 
Évictions et violences contre les personnes exilées en Juillet 2022
The 2 CRS who had been escorting HRO arrived and said "Madame, get off" (the wall).
1 CRS goes around the HRO car and looks at the insurance and technical control stickers + follow HRO members
As a member of the HRO team asks questions about the reasons for the perimeter, a CRS answers each question (at least 10 times) "it's this way". HRO can no longer see the operation at all.
Care4Calais reports being intimidated by the police at Ol during a food distribution, they were told that only La Vie Active was allowed to distribute food
Auteurs / Impliqués
Unmarked car (translators)
Unmarked car (translators)
Closed van (clearance) trucks, including a big one
Pas de suites connues
ID Unique
Mise à jour
24 novembre 2023

Victimes graves recensées ayant nécessité une prise en charge médicale ou gardé des séquelles, plus de 1 victime sur 10.
Victimes graves 
7 451
Victimes et faits recensés de violences et d'abus policiers recensés depuis 2018 en France.
Signalements récents 
5 646
Lieux de vie informels expulsés par les forces de l'ordre depuis 2018 en France.
27 500
Victimes estimées de violences policières pour les seules manifestations Gilets Jaunes et Retraites.