HRO says to PN that they were pushed by CRS who didn't have their RIO, "vous n'avez rien à me demander, vous vous permettez beaucoup de choses"
Irrespect, insultes et menaces
CRS "Go!" and make signs for the people to move, the translator is not here, about a displaced person who enters the perimeter "Il passe!" and "on va pas lui courir après"
(*) Les affaires, si elles ne sont pas détruites ou abimées lors de l'opération, sont très difficilement récupérables par les personnes exilées.
CRS "Go!" and make signs for the people to move, the translator is not here, about a displaced person who enters the perimeter "Il passe!" and "on va pas lui courir après"
2 tents were given back to displaced people when they asked APC