2 CRS agents form perimeter in front of the factory, one of whom has a shield
Entrave à l'observation
2 CRS film HRO with their personal phone behind black out windows from their van
One person who potentially works for factory films HRO with his personal telephone and shouts 'anti-fa' and retorts 'i'm not filming' when HRO tell him it's illegal to film
(*) Les affaires, si elles ne sont pas détruites ou abimées lors de l'opération, sont très difficilement récupérables par les personnes exilées.
2 CRS film HRO with their personal phone behind black out windows from their van
One person who potentially works for factory films HRO with his personal telephone and shouts 'anti-fa' and retorts 'i'm not filming' when HRO tell him it's illegal to film