1st perimeter at the entrance of the living site (by the rock), and when HRO starts to document, CRS force HRO to cross the road and increase the perimeter Entrave à l'observation
CRS says the nature of operation may be "mise à l'abri", but don't know if they were warned before or if they are aware where they are going ; Bailiff inside the living site ; another CRS suppose the buses are headed to "CAES de Béthune" ;
Members from Roots and other volunteer ID checked ; a dog of detection is in the living site ; several media are present (AFP, France Bleu) ; the bailiff is not accessible
1st perimeter at the entrance of the living site (by the rock), and when HRO starts to document, CRS force HRO to cross the road and increase the perimeter
CRS says the nature of operation may be "mise à l'abri", but don't know if they were warned before or if they are aware where they are going ; Bailiff inside the living site ; another CRS suppose the buses are headed to "CAES de Béthune" ;
Members from Roots and other volunteer ID checked ; a dog of detection is in the living site ; several media are present (AFP, France Bleu) ; the bailiff is not accessible