4 boxes with food, 50 can,
50 (most are broken, dismantled or dragged)
53 (most are broken, dismantled or dragged)
6 pullover, 4 jacket, 1 coat, 1 pant
4 (1 thrown) + 1 gym rug,
One exiled person is pushed by a CRS, 1 CRS van is speedin up in the living site towards exiled person, they have to run
PN car is blocking the streets, perimeter at roundabout
Several CRS passing in front of HRO so they can't document ; 10 policeman doing the perimeter
CRS to an exiled person : "Hep là-bas, hop, là-bas vite" ; CRS talk without translator, CRS laugh ; making gesture to communicate
HRO filmed without autorisation by personal CRS phone "C'est des portables professionnels"
"Mise à l'abri", "On a l'ordre de ne laisser passer personne"; "la préfecture à décidé que les personnes peuvent récupérer tout sauf les tentes"
Several CRS rotations ; People asked to take back their items but CRS refused ; Red Cross blocked by the perimeter ; FDO still on the living site after the departure of HRO
CRS : "Saisi par la justice pour opérer un démantèlement"
2 members of HRO replace the 2 other in place ; different CRS company ; Red Cross blocked by perimeter ; Rotation of CRS company ; 40 people waiting after the perimeter to enter in the living site ; HRO leaves the operation while it's still in process