Violence N°3943
GRANDE-SYNTHE, le 24 février 2022
Grande-Synthe: 441 affaires volées, 5 arrestations et violences des CRS

Violence #3943 du 24 février 2022
  • Perimeter changing all the time, contradictory orders, Depending on the CRS and PN. Sometimes they see us but not doing anything, then receive the order to push back the asso very far. We were always escorted out. Entrave à l'observation
  • HRO escorted out to the very entrance of the living site. 1 crs put his hand on my colleague's shoulder in order to make her move faster + si je vous le demande 3 fois, j’appelle mon officier , je vous prends , garde à vue“. + Ask for our adress, 1 hro said “nonante-cinq“= “non non en français madame“. Ask for phone number = “parceque vous êtes embêtante“ + First they didn't want to show us the réquisition for l'ID check. 11h47, HRO teamed approached by 5 CRS in the ldv, escorted us. the 2 PN ask for our address, we give it and then they ask for our phone number. We refuse. 8h41 : escorting out by the 2PN. 12h14: qu’est-ce que vous comprenez pas? (…) avancez un peu plus vite svp” + both touched (twice) and they pushed HRO member + walked on feet. WHen we got back to the perimeter entrance ldv, the CRS blocking it told “vous vous foutez de ma gueule c’est ça, je vous ai déjà vu”. PN asked asked for the address of utopia members. Id check on Pierre, threatened of arrest if he goes back to perimeter. Irrespect, insultes et menaces
  • Displaced people who want to enter living site are blocked at perimeter, no translator present. + 10h38: 1 woman asked to leave without her tent and translator. + CRS screaming at people outside the perimeter + CRS preventing 12 people from entering ldv without translator : “not possible”. + 11H16, a displaced person was crossing the road to get back into the ldv. FDO started screaming at him : "tu dégages, tu passeras pas , retournes de l'autre côté" The displaced person wants to know why they are evicting people from the jungle.+ CRS answers that he doesn't know. The FDOs ask if anyone speaks French and ask if we can inquire as there is an ambulance that has been called for an injured. He insists that we ask around FDO : "so we don't make them come for nothing”. + HRO asks if there are still buses inside because two people, one of whom is a minor, want to be sheltered. FDO doesn't know and leaves.
  • 2 with personal phone
  • C’est un contrôle , la raison est simple“ + “si je vous le demande 3 fois, j’appelle mon officier , je vous prends , garde à vue“. + “opération démantèlement, proposition de mise à l’abris des gens, c’est régulier madame“. Ask for our adress, 1 hro said “nonante-cinq“= “non non en français madame“. Ask for phone number = “parceque vous êtes embêtante“ + “ les expulsions dépendent des autorisations , du préfet etc (…) c’est simplement pour les mettre à l’abris et puis surtout dégager les lignes de chemin de fer qui sont toujours en fonctionnement » + HRO goes to meet the crs who are blocking the entrance to the ldv to tell them that a desplaced person has been evicted without being able to take his tent or his phone inside the tent. HRO asks if the person can go back to get his stuff, CRS refused = "I don't think they can get it back", HRO says "once it's seized, can't they go somewhere to get their stuff back? "CRS : " Ha well no, I don't think that it is seized, normally we leave the time to the people to take their business, now if he forgot (…) plus personne peut rentrer”. +, 10h30 : HRO encounters a MNA outside the Ldv who wants to get on the MAB bus. HRO asks the FDO to accompany the minor to the AFEJI. The FDO refuses and tells us to call the AFEJI. HRO not having the telephone of AFEJI, asks the fdo if they can contact them by walkie talkie. FDO answers: "No, we are not paid for that! " “Vous êtes sur un terrain privé”. “vous êtes sur un secteur interdit (…) ça vous amuse (…) pour la sécurité de tout le monde, sortez sur périmètre (…) on va vous accompagner”. Utopia ID check : “ il y a une intervention de police en cours avec un huissier de justice qui agit avec une ordonnance du tribunal », « c’est un terrain privé ici .. » + l y en a qui peuvent partir avec leurs tentes et si ils les laissent sur place, elle seront ruinéesdp ? » « C’est une ordonnance du tribunal de Dunkerque.
  • 10h22 : around 16 people running with their trolley without tents + HRO discussion with AFEJI about MAB a minor (girl) . Ramery agents emptied some tents, by throwing all belongings on the floor. The other tents were seized full. Ramery was putting various tents in the dumper after throwing belongings on the floor. Ramery agents were up in the dumper and walked on the tents too. Municipality cleaning team AND tractopelle taking everything that’s left on the floor (blankets, sleeping bags, clothes, tarps etc). Municipality cleaning team (white combinaison) acted just after Ramery emptied the tents. A lot of CRS watching cleaning team working. CRS team standing nearby tractopelle and cleaning team, watching them working. Tractopelle destroying all the blankets etc left on route du port fluvial. shelters completely destroying a shelter, dangerously. Some people reported us they couldn’t take their tents. 1 person reported to HRO his phone was in his tent and he couldn’t go back to it. Ramery agent walked on tent in his dumper + 12H09 Ramery guys in loxam blocked the skip to prevent us taking a picture of the skip.


Irrespect, insultes et menaces 
Irrespect, insultes et menaces
1 033
faits recensés sur le site depuis mars 2019.

Crise de l'accueil

Évictions et violences contre les personnes exilées en Février 2022 
Évictions et violences contre les personnes exilées en Février 2022
3 IBC + 1 phone for sure
1 hurt person beaten by a matraque was taken by the ambulance, escorted by 2 moto PN + 10h36: CRs covering fire with soil using a shell. 8h36: translator look inside a tent while someone inside, cleaning team already seized the tarp on the tent...
Perimeter changing all the time, contradictory orders, Depending on the CRS and PN. Sometimes they see us but not doing anything, then receive the order to push back the asso very far. We were always escorted out.
HRO escorted out to the very entrance of the living site. 1 crs put his hand on my colleague's shoulder in order to make her move faster + si je vous le demande 3 fois, j’appelle mon officier , je vous prends , garde à vue“. + Ask for our adress, 1 hro said “nonante-cinq“= “non non en français madame“. Ask for phone number = “parceque vous êtes embêtante“ + First they didn't want to show us the réquisition for l'ID check. 11h47, HRO teamed approached by 5 CRS in the ldv, escorted us. the 2 PN ask for our address, we give it and then they ask for our phone number. We refuse. 8h41 : escorting out by the 2PN. 12h14: qu’est-ce que vous comprenez pas? (…) avancez un peu plus vite svp” + both touched (twice) and they pushed HRO member + walked on feet. WHen we got back to the perimeter entrance ldv, the CRS blocking it told “vous vous foutez de ma gueule c’est ça, je vous ai déjà vu”. PN asked asked for the address of utopia members. Id check on Pierre, threatened of arrest if he goes back to perimeter.
Displaced people who want to enter living site are blocked at perimeter, no translator present. + 10h38: 1 woman asked to leave without her tent and translator. + CRS screaming at people outside the perimeter + CRS preventing 12 people from entering ldv without translator : “not possible”. + 11H16, a displaced person was crossing the road to get back into the ldv. FDO started screaming at him : "tu dégages, tu passeras pas , retournes de l'autre côté" The displaced person wants to know why they are evicting people from the jungle.+ CRS answers that he doesn't know. The FDOs ask if anyone speaks French and ask if we can inquire as there is an ambulance that has been called for an injured. He insists that we ask around FDO : "so we don't make them come for nothing”. + HRO asks if there are still buses inside because two people, one of whom is a minor, want to be sheltered. FDO doesn't know and leaves.
2 with personal phone
C’est un contrôle , la raison est simple“ + “si je vous le demande 3 fois, j’appelle mon officier , je vous prends , garde à vue“. + “opération démantèlement, proposition de mise à l’abris des gens, c’est régulier madame“. Ask for our adress, 1 hro said “nonante-cinq“= “non non en français madame“. Ask for phone number = “parceque vous êtes embêtante“ + “ les expulsions dépendent des autorisations , du préfet etc (…) c’est simplement pour les mettre à l’abris et puis surtout dégager les lignes de chemin de fer qui sont toujours en fonctionnement » + HRO goes to meet the crs who are blocking the entrance to the ldv to tell them that a desplaced person has been evicted without being able to take his tent or his phone inside the tent. HRO asks if the person can go back to get his stuff, CRS refused = "I don't think they can get it back", HRO says "once it's seized, can't they go somewhere to get their stuff back? "CRS : " Ha well no, I don't think that it is seized, normally we leave the time to the people to take their business, now if he forgot (…) plus personne peut rentrer”. +, 10h30 : HRO encounters a MNA outside the Ldv who wants to get on the MAB bus. HRO asks the FDO to accompany the minor to the AFEJI. The FDO refuses and tells us to call the AFEJI. HRO not having the telephone of AFEJI, asks the fdo if they can contact them by walkie talkie. FDO answers: "No, we are not paid for that! " “Vous êtes sur un terrain privé”. “vous êtes sur un secteur interdit (…) ça vous amuse (…) pour la sécurité de tout le monde, sortez sur périmètre (…) on va vous accompagner”. Utopia ID check : “ il y a une intervention de police en cours avec un huissier de justice qui agit avec une ordonnance du tribunal », « c’est un terrain privé ici .. » + l y en a qui peuvent partir avec leurs tentes et si ils les laissent sur place, elle seront ruinéesdp ? » « C’est une ordonnance du tribunal de Dunkerque.
10h22 : around 16 people running with their trolley without tents + HRO discussion with AFEJI about MAB a minor (girl) . Ramery agents emptied some tents, by throwing all belongings on the floor. The other tents were seized full. Ramery was putting various tents in the dumper after throwing belongings on the floor. Ramery agents were up in the dumper and walked on the tents too. Municipality cleaning team AND tractopelle taking everything that’s left on the floor (blankets, sleeping bags, clothes, tarps etc). Municipality cleaning team (white combinaison) acted just after Ramery emptied the tents. A lot of CRS watching cleaning team working. CRS team standing nearby tractopelle and cleaning team, watching them working. Tractopelle destroying all the blankets etc left on route du port fluvial. shelters completely destroying a shelter, dangerously. Some people reported us they couldn’t take their tents. 1 person reported to HRO his phone was in his tent and he couldn’t go back to it. Ramery agent walked on tent in his dumper + 12H09 Ramery guys in loxam blocked the skip to prevent us taking a picture of the skip.
Auteurs / Impliqués
PREF Maybe
Unmarked car (translators)
RAMERY Big skip
RAMERY Tractopelle
Other "cleaning" actors Municipality "cleaning"
Afeji's Busses
Others RG
Others CRS boats
Police Nationale
Others hélicoptère
Police Nationale
CRS vans I/4 et II/16
Compagnies d'intervention
Pas de suites connues
ID Unique
Mise à jour
24 novembre 2023

Victimes graves recensées ayant nécessité une prise en charge médicale ou gardé des séquelles, plus de 1 victime sur 10.
Victimes graves 
7 449
Victimes et faits recensés de violences et d'abus policiers recensés depuis 2018 en France.
Signalements récents 
5 646
Lieux de vie informels expulsés par les forces de l'ordre depuis 2018 en France.
27 500
Victimes estimées de violences policières pour les seules manifestations Gilets Jaunes et Retraites.