One of the 2 CRS was really close to an HRO member, he wanted her to walk very fast, stepping on her feet and pushing her with his helmet. He was very aggressive. At one moment he pushed her and she fell on the floor. Irrespect, insultes et menaces
Since there was no perimeter, we entered in the living site, and we walked in the field.
At 15h46 2 CRS started escorting us out, saying that we had to leave.
We went outside the perimeter, close to the second roundabout. We couldn’t observe whether they seized some other tents.
One of the 2 CRS was really close to an HRO member, he wanted her to walk very fast, stepping on her feet and pushing her with his helmet. He was very aggressive. At one moment he pushed her and she fell on the floor.
Since there was no perimeter, we entered in the living site, and we walked in the field.
At 15h46 2 CRS started escorting us out, saying that we had to leave.
We went outside the perimeter, close to the second roundabout. We couldn’t observe whether they seized some other tents.